
There is no national Wren organization though there were a number of separate ones across Canada… sadly depleted. The average Wartime Wren WRCNS age is nearing 100. Return of the Wrens was 1952 and up to 1966/7, then became CF Maritime Command. In 2010 the Command returned to the RCN and women served as equals.

2017 was the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Wrens.
2022 was the 80th anniversary.

Our members were WRCNS, and included Wrens as named, but includes UK WRNS, Canadian RCN and RCNR and CF and the return of RCN.
Sadly the CF interrupted the wrens and this broke the chain with newer members not following the traditional Wrens.

All Wartime, Post War and Peacetime Wrens and Naval Women may apply for Veterans compensation.

Reserve Wrens or CF [Reserve] wrens may not know they are ‘Veterans’ and may have a connection to the system.
A VETERAN should have served a specific time and be honourably discharged.

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