The Foundation of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service:1942—Brief note

The Foundation of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service:1942—Brief notes
It was said that Canada asked the British Admiralty by signal ‘Please send us a Mother Wren”*
and while that communiqué has not surfaced in Archives, we wish to believe that is true.
The following personnel returned to Britain and in 1947 according to the Wren Newsletter ** were:

The British Wrens *1947
-Joan Carpenter C.B.E  ‘retired May 1946, last appointment Deputy Director Welfare, W.R.N.S  HQ.
Secretary. W.R.N.S. Benevolent Fund.
-Dorothy Isherwood  ‘appointed Commander of British Empire 1947, retired 1946 serving in the   Mediterranean as Superintendent to Commander  , returned to BBC
June 1943 appointed  Acting Captain D/WRCNS replacing Captain Brock.
-Doris Taylor   ‘after serving W.R.C.N.S.- joined UNRRA retired 1947
-Lorna Kellet   ‘retired May 1947 Chief Officer Portsmouth, joined BBC
-Betty Samuel  ‘retired 1946 after serving one year in Australia, Chief Officer on staff- now in Germany with Control Commission
-Elizabeth Sturdee mentioned by Isherwood, returned early to be married in UK

Additional Information: The Canadian Wrens :1947
-Adelaide Grant Macdonald Sinclair    O.B.E., L.LD :
‘ In  1947 Executive Assistant to Deputy Minister of Welfare
Lt Cdr Sinclair became Director and Commander 1943-45 of Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service.

-Isobel Janet Macneill: O.B.E., L.L.D. and O.C.
Joined 1942,  Lt Cdr 1943, CO of HMCS Conestoga in Galt 1943-45.
‘Only woman in the Canadian Navy to Command a Ship’
Returned briefly in 1954 to RCN.

Honourary Commandant of the WRCNS:  1947
H.R.H. Princess Alice Mary

Original Director of the Women’s Services 1942
Captain Eustache Brock

It appears that the British Wrens tasked for the foundation of the WRCNS arrived in April 1942 had all returned after handover to Lt Cdr Adelaide Sinclair in August 1943.
Source:  * Blue Tapestry: Book by Vera Laughton Mathews , The story of the WRNS:  Page 150
**Wren Newsletter: published Halifax NS,  Vol 1, No 1, February 1947 : Page 1.



There is no national Wren organization though there were a number of separate ones across Canada… sadly depleted. The average Wartime Wren WRCNS age is nearing 100. Return of the Wrens was 1952 and up to 1966/7, then became CF Maritime Command. In 2010 the Command returned to the RCN and women served as equals.

2017 was the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Wrens.
2022 was the 80th anniversary.

Our members were WRCNS, and included Wrens as named, but includes UK WRNS, Canadian RCN and RCNR and CF and the return of RCN.
Sadly the CF interrupted the wrens and this broke the chain with newer members not following the traditional Wrens.

All Wartime, Post War and Peacetime Wrens and Naval Women may apply for Veterans compensation.

Reserve Wrens or CF [Reserve] wrens may not know they are ‘Veterans’ and may have a connection to the system.
A VETERAN should have served a specific time and be honourably discharged.

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Service Records

Here’s How To Get Your Service Records.

The need for service records comes up every so often. Please keep the following information for future use.

  • Canadian – Service Records, ATIP  Personnel  Records Div. Library and Archives Canada  395 Wellington St.  Ottawa ON   K1H 0N4.
  • British – Director of Naval personnel, Navy Search, TNT Records  Management.  PO Box 7814, Tetron Point, William Nadin Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 1EG

Veteran’s Pin Available From Veterans Affairs Canada

This very special program provided surviving veterans with a handsome certificate and pin, once they submit an application form on the Veteran’s Affairs Canada website:

This kind of program brings attention to the selfless acts of heroism, courage and loyalty for which these veterans have become renowned, and, in turn, this helps inform and educate new generations of Canadians about these important contributions and events.

Surviving WWII veterans can complete and submit the form on line at the VAC website, check under commemorative medals.

Regarding our Archives and Artifacts… For reference or for historical purposes

We have chosen Canadian Military Heritage Museum [a volunteer All Service Museum] in Brantford, Ontario, for Material and Display items.

For Wartime related and Basic Training WRCNS plus some info on Wrens ie Reunions and Material…we have chosen City Of Cambridge Ontario Archives …[related to Galt and HMCS Conestoga the Wrens Training Base]

And donated approx. 20 organization yearly scrapbooks and some Jenny Wren Times Newsletters to the City of Toronto Archives.

In addition – some material has been donated to:

CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum in Victoria BC,

and Naval and Military Museum [HMCS Chippewa] in Winnipeg Manitoba.

We have notation that some earlier wren materials were given to the Canadian War Museum.

The National Library holds all copies of the wartime publication ‘Tiddley Times’ regarding Wrens at Bases during the war years.

Addresses for the Galt Archives and the Military Museum are:


Location: PO Box 669, 46 Dickson Street, Cambridge Ont. N1R 5W8
Phone: 519 740 4680

Primarily paper or photographs HMCS Conestoga, and Wartime Records, Post War Records, Reunion and Miscellaneous Items.


Location: 347 Greenwich St., Building 19, Brantford Ontario
Mailing Address: PO Box 27033, 794 Colborne St, Brantford, Ont. N3S 7V1
Phone: 519-759-1313

Primarily Uniforms (Wartime and Postwar) and Material Collections, Secondary Archives, Reunion and Miscellaneous Items.

Please Note:

There is/was no national Wren Organization…at the moment – only Halifax has meetings. There were earlier organizations in Victoria, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Thunder Bay, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa.

Bletchley Park Badge

Eligibility for Bletchley Park Badge,
Second World War…Canada 2014

 “Y”- (for “Wireless”) Service: the Listening Servicean organization just as secret as Bletchley Park during the war.  Without it, however, the Allies would have known nothing of the enemy’s military intentions

  • In the case of the WRCNS W/T SO’s:-in Canada, at Gloucester or Coverdale, or at Gordon Head.
  • LORAN stations,  Baccaro or Deeming whether in the ops room, the ‘Z’ room or the shacks.  

From Bletchley Park the following selected information:

On behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, GCHQ is delighted to recognize the vital service of those who worked at Bletchley Park and its outstations during World War II by presenting surviving veterans with a commemorative badge. These outstations include Canada.

If you know of anyone who served in this capacity (this includes WRENS)  please note the contact.

The names of those who would have been eligible for recognition but are deceased can be submitted for inclusion in an Honour Roll. Instructions and other details on how to apply for the badge can found in the following web page:

{ This Badge comes through the United Kingdom Government.}

Minister MacKay Recognizes the 70th Anniversary of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service

Archived post… Minister MacKay Recognizes the 70th Anniversary of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service

OTTAWA, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – Nov. 8, 2012) – As part of Veterans’ Week 2012, the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, wishes to mark the 70th anniversary of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service, better known as the “Wrens”. Established as a division of the Royal Canadian Navy, the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service was created on July 31, 1942. This group of Canadian women volunteered to serve Canada during the Second World War at a time when women had not previously played an active role in the Canadian military.

“The Canadian women who volunteered to serve their nation brought significant contributions to the Canadian war effort during these turbulent years,” said the Honourable Peter MacKay. “These women helped change the way society looked at women and the important role they could play in the defence of our country. Today women play an integrated part in all aspects of the Canadian Forces, and the Wrens can be proud to have played a key role in leading the way.”

“These courageous women simply wanted to be in naval service at a time when there was a huge threat to Canada’s national interests at sea,” said Vice-Admiral Paul Maddison, Commander Royal Canadian Navy and Canadian Forces Champion for Diversity. “They willingly faced the inequalities of the day, did great work ashore to enable the success of our men at sea and helped push society into full acceptance of the role of women as full contributing members of the Royal Canadian Navy. Today, women serve as equals in the Royal Canadian Navy, as both regular and reserve members, ashore and at sea. I would not want to deploy a ship or submarine without women of all ranks among their crews.”

Many young women signed up for the duration of the Second World War, putting family and careers on the back burner. By the end of the war, nearly 7,000 women had served with the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service in 39 different trades including many non-traditional occupations such as sonar operators, coders, and telegraphists.

When the war was over, the Wrens left the Navy and returned to their hometowns, but because of what they had endured, their lives had changed forever and nothing would be the same for them or for Canada. The efforts of these pioneering women helped open the door for the women who now serve in a broad range of roles in the Canadian Forces today.

Celebrating the Canadian Naval Centennial with Navy Lady

Navy LadyArchived post… Thank you from ‘ NAVY LADY’ : YEAR END UPDATE

100th Anniversary of the Canadian Navy

Wren Associations of Canada thank you the public, and the naval community, for your interest in the 1910-2010 Canadian Naval Centennial Rose…’Navy Lady’.

Based on information we have received – over 45 centennial rose events have taken place across Canada during 2010, plus many individual plantings. Continue reading