Wakey, Wakey, Rise and Shine!

[Post edited from original 2020 post]
The time has come for all good Wrens – and their descendants – to show they had heeded the call.

The WRCNS began in 1942 and many of our them are sadly leaving us at an accelerated rate.

It is the time to request that our Wrens or their children, consider their historical connection to the Royal Canadian Navy as one of the 6783 WRCNS – a small group but mighty.

A draft Volume of all the Women who joined the WRCNS during Second World War is nearing completion. Where known, this lists their service number, maiden, married, first and nicknames, rank and trade.

A Second volume now underway will describe their times and lives in the service and will include photos, histories, memoirs, etc, which will tell the stories in the words of the Wrens themselves, wherever possible.

To date, the maiden names of some 800 Wrens can not be matched with their married names.

These women varied in age from just 18 to 45. In a time of crisis, they answered the call to service.

Do you hold any Wren photos, trivia, biographies, memoirs, notes, memorabilia or documents, of yourself, your aunt, cousin, sister or your mother, or even your grandmother? If so, please let us know so we can make arrangements to obtain copies of such items.

Tell us what you have.

Write to:

LCdr D Freeman, RCN Ret’d
CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum
PO 1700 Station Forces
Victoria, BC
V9A 7N2

Or, Send an email via this web site:

Attn: D Freeman

Out Pipes! All hands on deck. Step lively there!